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Engbergs has a long history with Mantsinen Group, going back over 20 years. During this time they have
seen the development of Mantsinen to the size the company is today. It was therefore easy
to choose new material handlers from Mantsinen that were needed in order to increase
production capacity by 100%.

Engbergs operates at Östrand pulp mill, about 12 kilometers from Sundsvall port on the
Swedish East Coast. Engbergs operates mostly with vessel offloading of round wood and
woodchips, and additionally they have started with bark-handling last year.

Choosing Mantsinen material handlers comes natural for Kjell Arne Engberg, CEO of Engbergs.

“Our relationship with Mantsinen has deepened during the years. In 2003, our first Mantsinen
machine was put to use and we were very satisfied with the machine, not to mention the service
support we got. No matter where in the world our contact was, they always answered the phone.”

In 2009 Engbergs ordered another Mantsinen material handler, and in 2017 the cooperation was
taken to a new level when discussions about Mantsinen’s latest innovation started; The Mantsinen
Dualpower is the first real dual power concept within large material handlers utilizing twin engine
technology. It combines the best features of an electric motors and a diesel engine, resulting in a
union of mobility, productivity and advanced environmental friendliness.

Fortune favours the bold

Engbergs was the first customer to acquire a Mantsinen’s Dualpower machine, in this case a
Mantsinen 120 with crawler undercarriage.

“I am very open minded towards development of products. We purchased one diesel Mantsinen
120 and one Mantsinen 120 with Dualpower. The reason for the machine renewal was that the pulp
mill decided to increase production by 100% and we needed to solve the logistics accordingly. In all
our investments, we look into the possibility of reducing carbon emissions. We wanted this solution
because it combines two benefits: when you reduce emissions, you also reduce costs. It is a win-win situation. However, we still needed a diesel driven machine too, because we could not access
electrical power all around the Pulp Mill area. The pulp mill was luckily very interested in helping us
build the power grid solution.”

We wanted this solution because it combines two benefits: when you reduce emissions, you also reduce costs. It is a win-win situation.

Mr. Kjell Arne Engberg, CEO of Engberg

Performance and easy maintenance

One of the benefits of the Dualpower is easy maintenance. The technology is based on standard
components, allowing easy service and standard spare parts availability. Pairing this technology with
the Mantsinen Insight allows for smooth operation and fewer unexpected surprises.

“The material handler works well, and it has much less maintenance needs. I believe that the
maintenance in these kinds of machines will be more and more remote. The Mantsinen Insight lets
the machine tell you if something is not right. In the future I think we could even solve some problems
remotely and not on the site.”

In addition to maintenance needs, the Mantsinen Insight also records all the important data on the
machine’s performance and efficiency. Engbergs has gotten the production increase they wanted
with the help of the Mantsinen 120 Dualpower.

“Looking at the last 7 days, we have lifted 23 000 tonnes mainly with electric motor. Our production
has been in average 435 tonnes per hour.”

Innovation cycles gain speed

Megatrends of intelligent data and environmentally friendly solutions are unstoppable. Development
cycles gain speed and companies are more willing to try new solutions.

“The speed of development is very interesting. This is mostly seen in cars, but also in industrial
machines – there is a need to get away from the fossil fuels. Even in the financial markets, there will
be a trend of environmental friendliness, for example interest rates being depended on how much
your investments affect the environment. Also reusing materials and components will develop

Other suppliers were also considered during the purchasing process. Engbergs has a habit of
a meticulous background investigation before seeking quotes. Mantsinen was selected as the
competitors did not quite meet Engbergs quality standards.

“With our investigation looking into the investment, it was very clear to us what we needed from the
machine. It seems this material handler with both diesel and electric drive is the right solution for us.
We have reduced the emissions enormously”, Engberg sums up.


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