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LFS Valko Port, Finland


Loviisa, Finland


In May 2012, Lovisa Forwading & Stevedoring (LFS), the port operator of Valko Port in Loviisa, Finland took delivery of the Mantsinen 120R Hybrilift material handler. From the time it was delivered to the beginning of August 2014, the machine has been in use for nearly 5000 hours with an average fuel consumption of 16 litres per hour. Stevedores has stated that the Mantsinen 120R HybriLift® has increased energy efficiency even more than the massive 35 % originally promised. 

Lovisa Forwarding & Stevedoring has been operating in Loviisa since 1914 -the company is part of the family-owned Nordström Group which provides port and environmental operations across Finland. LFS’s plan is to develop Valko Port into a full-service export and import facility famed for its flexibility and efficiency. Valko Port specializes in exporting sawn timber and is currently ranked as the number one in Finland for these operations. Total annual volume at the port now exceeds one million cubic meters. 

Speed and precision were the main reasons LFS added the Mantsinen 120R HybriLift® to its machine fleet.  The Mantsinen 120 R HybriLift proved to be a perfect match for LFS’s operating needs. Valko Port has a draft of 9.5 meters and is capable of serving vessels of up to 47 000 DWT. Mantsinen 120R has a crawler undercarriage with a 7.1 meter gantry; a cabin elevator N2-5000 which brings the operator over the hold for excellent visibility; front equipment with maximum reach of 25 meters and lifting capacity of 10 tons at up to 20 meters. The Mantsinen 120R HybriLift® handles mainly sawn timber but also pulp bales, poles, pellets as well as steel and paper products. 

Mantsinen 120 is not only energy efficient but also reliable and safe machine.

Mikko Ahokainen – Head Foreman at LFS

Head Foreman at LFS, Mikko Ahokainen, has been impressed with the Mantsinen 120R and especially with its HybriLift® feature, commenting, “LFS has three older generation Mantsinen machines, which consume nearly twice as much fuel. Mantsinen 120R is not only energy efficient but also reliable and safe machine.” As Mantsinen has been a forerunner in energy saving technology, Mr. Ahokainen feels that his company has benefited from the long-term experience and reliability of  the HybriLift® feature. 

When it comes to port operations, reliability is simply a necessity. LFS is renowned for its ability to quickly discharge and load vessels/trucks even at the busiest times. Mr. Ahokainen added that the Mantsinen 120R HybriLift has as a proven track record of low maintenance needs and maximum up-time. The precision of the machine is second to none – this is key to loading sawn timber in the most efficient way.

LFS has considerable experience with Mantsinen; the company owns three older generation Mantsinen material handlers, all of which are still running after 15, 12 and 6 years of continuous operation. LFS accepts that port operations will still face new challenges and will require even better machinery to keep up with the travails of global markets, but LFS believes it has found a reliable partner in Mantsinen. 


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