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FREQUENTLY SEARCHED Mantsinen 300Mantsinen DualPowerIndustries
Fill the information below and click “SEND”. Subscriber will be contacted with official service contract.
Company* Country* Address* Business ID* VAT Number* Contact Person* Phone number* E-mail address*
Invoicing address not same as a Subscriber
Assets (Machine serial numbers)*
The contract is valid until further notice and confirmation will be sent with the information provided in the order form. Service effective date is defined in the signed contract.
Insight Standard prices from 99 € / month per asset.
Invoicing annually from the next 12 months, payment terms 28 days net.
Supplier reserves all rights to service content and pricing changes.
The subscriber will receive an official service contract in a return e-mail. If there are any questions, please contact us at moc.n1743457239enist1743457239nam@e1743457239rac1743457239
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