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The cooperation of BCTN Network of Inland Terminals and Mantsinen Group together with the local distributor Heavy Handling BVBA has proven to be very successful. BCTN acquired Mantsinen 200ER material handler to handle heavy cargo efficiently, easily and in a sustainable way in terminal Geel. 

BCTN has eight terminals, five in the Netherlands and three in Belgium. In total they handle about 800.000 TEUs per year. Terminal Geel in Belgium handles 100 containers per day consisting of materials for the car industry. The containers are twenty feet and weigh on average 32 tons when fully loaded, presenting a tough challenge for the material handling equipment.

“We needed a hydraulic crane or a similar machine that could handle the heavy weight, and for environmental reasons it was necessary that it is electrical. This is why we chose Mantsinen 200ER.”, tells Wim Busser, Purchase and Support Director at BCTN.

“We are very satisfied with Mantsinen 200ER. It is a really fast crane. Previously we could handle around 20 containers in an hour on average, but with Mantsinen we can almost double the handling capacity. Operators complement how easy it is to use compared to a regular harbor crane.”

Mantsinen Insight if very important for us, since we can predict upcoming maintenance need and solve possible error situations as fast as possible.

Wim Busser – Purchase and Support Director, BCTN

Well-functioning after sales is crucial

BCTN is using Mantsinen Insight that enables remote monitoring of operations and productivity. “Insight is very important for us, since we can predict upcoming maintenance needs and solve possible error situations as fast as possible. Insight enables us to be one step ahead.”

Busser notes that after sales is of high value when it comes to material handling cranes. Heavy Handling BVBA is the local distributor of Mantsinen. “If the crane fails, the business stops. We are very happy with the local distributor of Mantsinen, who takes care of the maintenance and repairs.”

Thinking about the future

The intermodal container transport by barge is reliable, cost-efficient, and also a greener alternative.
“Water transport is more sustainable; we can reduce around 25-30 % of CO2 emissions per container kilometer in comparison to road transportation. So far, we have used diesel cranes in terminals, but due to environmental factors we are now changing them to electrical cranes. This is a big issue in our business, and our goal is to reduce even more CO2 emissions in future.”


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