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Mantsinen Group Strengthens the Presence in France Together with Heavy Handling Bv


Mantsinen Group Strengthens the Presence in France Together with Heavy Handling Bv

Mantsinen Group Ltd Oy and its Belgian distributor Heavy Handling bv have agreed to deepen their co-operation by appointing Heavy Handling as distributor also for France for the whole range of Mantsinen material handlers, attachments and services.


Mantsinen Group and Heavy Handling started the co-operation in 2012. The number of Mantsinen machines in Belgium and the Netherlands has grown ever since, to the extent that the fleet is larger than in any other market outside of the traditional Mantsinen home markets Finland and Russia. Mantsinen hydraulic material handlers have shown their benefits to numerous Benelux ports and terminals.

Heavy Handling has been a showcase dealer with great results in both Belgium and the Netherlands. They have an extensive knowledge of state-of-the-art hydraulic machinery, and a straightforward vision with a strong will to grow in material handling segment. We are happy to have such a partner for us now covering France as well.

Patrik Starck, Sales Director at Mantsinen Group Ltd Oy

Closer relationship with Mantsinen Group and Heavy Handling means also dedicated people

– We’ve had great results with Mantsinen, first in Belgium, and then also in the Netherlands and we are very happy with the opportunity to expand to France. We’ve worked in the north-east of France many years for other types of equipment, so we know the market. A dedicated Mantsinen focused organization with customized service vehicles and service personnel focused to support customers in the best possible way is the key to success. Our first priority now is to set up or expand our local presence in France, summarizes Heavy Handling COO Christophe Crombez.

Recent Orders for Mantsinen Hydraulic Material Handlers include 2 big units to Customers in the Netherlands, i.e. Matrans Rotterdam Terminal as well as E.P. Stevedoring, each choosing a Mantsinen 300M unit on rubber tyres.


Mantsinen Group Ltd Oy
Patrik Starck: patrik.starck(at)

Heavy Handling bv.
Christophe Crombez: cc(at)


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